Beis Yaakov High School for Girls Admission Policy
Beis Yaakov High School for Girls (“the School”) serves the local Orthodox Jewish community of the catchment area shown on the map available in the School office. The School caters for children from families who are “Charedi”, who conduct all aspects of their lives in accordance with strictly Orthodox Jewish doctrine as set out in the “Shulchan Oruch”. The School seeks to provide a broad balanced education based on these values combined with the National Curriculum.
The School’s governing body is the Admissions Authority. The number of girls to be admitted into year 7 in September 2019 at age 11 is 55. Applications will be considered without reference to ability or aptitude.
Provision of false information will result in the automatic rejection of the application and any offer may be withdrawn.
The School will meet its statutory obligation to admit any child who has a statement of special educational needs or education health and care plan that names the School in the child’s statement or plan.
First preference for admission to the School will be given to daughters of Charedi families which, together with the proposed pupil, are committed to observing all the requirements of the Shulchan Oruch, and whose practice is in keeping with the School’s Charedi Family Code, as attached. Any dispute as to (i) whether a girl is Jewish, or (ii) an interpretation or definition of Orthodox Jewish/Charedi traditions and practice in keeping with the above definition, will be settled by reference to the Manchester Machzikei Hadass Beth Din or its successors from time to time.
The School reserves the right to require families to produce a reference from a Rabbi whose congregation is affiliated to the Machzikei Hadass Beth Din, certifying their level of practical compliance with strictly Orthodox Jewish doctrine as set out in the “Shulchan Oruch”, a copy of which is attached to this form.
Over Subscription Criteria
In the event of over subscription, priority will be given to applicants who meet the School’s faith based over-subscription criteria.
Applicants wishing to be considered for priority in accordance with this criteria should complete the School supplementary application form as attached to these arrangements, also available from the School and local authority, and return the form to the School by 1st December, in the year prior to the anticipated admission.
In the event of over subscription places will be allocated in accordance with the following over subscription criteria:-
A looked after, or previously looked after Charedi girl (see note 1)
Charedi girls with siblings currently at the School (see note 2)
Charedi girls who have attended either Yesoiday HaTorah Academy (Prestwich) or Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School (Legh Street, Salford)
Other Charedi girls
Other looked after girls or previously looked after girls (see note 1)
Other girls
If there is over subscription within any of the categories, the governing body will give priority to those living within the catchment area as defined in note 3. In the event of over subscription within the catchment area, places will be allocated on a geographically random basis.
(It is the School’s policy not to reconsider repeat applications in the same academic year unless there has been a significant change in circumstances relevant to the application.)
Note 1: Looked after children are children in public care. Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be because they were adopted (under the terms of Adoption and Children Act 2002 (see section 46 (Adoption Orders))) or became subject to a residence order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989 (see section 8 which defines “a residence order” is an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the persons with whom the child shall live)), or special guardianship order.
Note 2: For the purpose of admission, a sibling link is defined as a sister, or half or step sister, residing at the same address as the pupil who occupies a place in the School and will be at the School at the time of the applicant’s admission.
Note 3: The catchment area is defined as the area including and contained within:-
From Bury New Road, at the point parallel to where Wellington Street East meets Rigby Street, along Bury New Road to Scholes Lane, then,
Along Scholes Lane to the junction with Bury Old Road, then,
Along Bury Old Road to the junction with Leicester Road, then,
Along Leicester Road until its junction with Wellington Street East.
Note 4: Where a child is the subject of joint custody, and there is a dispute as to the child’s home address, the address to which the child benefit payment is made will be deemed the home address for the purposes of this policy. In the event that no child benefit is paid, the matter will be referred to the Governing Body to decide.
Appeals Procedure
If an applicant has been turned down by the governing body, parents may appeal to the School’s admissions appeal panel. Any appeal must be sent in writing, marked for the attention of The Clerk to the Schools Admission Appeal Panel, at the School address within 20 days of notification of refusal.
Parents must give the reasons for appealing in writing, and the decision of the appeals panel is binding on the Governors. Refused candidates have only one chance to appeal within any academic year.
At Beis Yaakov High School, we believe that very stringent measures are necessary to protect our daughters from the dangers present everywhere in the outside world. We expect full co-operation from all parents on this issue.
The problem is more than simply avoiding things that one should not do, hear, or see. The subtle influences of seeing and hearing or even being aware of other people doing these things are equally dangerous. We need to minimise the risks of our children begin exposed to alien cultures which could חלילה have a detrimental effect on their Yiddishkeit, and therefore change their whole lives.
Membership of our school entails a commitment that parents control. Their daughter’s access to influence which have the potential to be damaging to their רוחניות.
Pupils never attend theatre or cinema
Pupils do not watch television
There is no television at home
Pupils never use the internet
Pupils do no go to public libraries unsupervised
Pupils are not permitted to view unsuitable material on DVD’s etc.
Parents exercise censorship on all materials entering their homes (books, magazines, videos etc.)
Pupils do not own their own mobile phones. If necessary a pupil may borrow the parent’s phone out of school hours to be used for safety only. Mobile phones are not allowed in school. In certain exceptional cases when pupils have permission to bring a phone to school, they must be left in the office and collected in the evening. Unauthorised phones will be confiscated.
Parents should always know where their daughters’ are, what time they will be coming home, and who they are with.
The school’s full Child Protection Policy is available on request from the office.
We have often been asked various שאלות pertaining to the holy מצוה of צניעות, which has always been regarded as the cornerstone of קדושת כלל ישראל and הבדלה בין ישראל לעמים.
It is will known that the נשי חיל considered it their privilege to live in the way of צניעות and were מוסר נפש to fulfil this scared מצוה in its truest sense.
Therefore we wish to clarify the proper conduct of צניעות, based on the view of Reb Aharon Kotler זצ''ל.
Sleeves must cover the elbows, even when the arm is extended or bent
Dresses or skirts must cover the knees, even when walking or sitting
The neckline of a dress or blouse must be high enough to cover the collarbone
A dress or skirt must not have any slits, even if it only starts below the minimum length. Many long skirts and dresses contravene הלכות צניעות as their style attracts attention.
Stockings must be worn outside the home. It should be apparent that they are being worn. Ankle-length socks are unacceptable even over other socks or tights.
Certain items cannot be reduced to specific guidelines. Discretion should be exercised in regard to the tightness and sheerness of clothing. Care should be taken that the style and manner of dress conform the ideas of צניעות and the true dignity of a בת ישראל
We pray sincerely, that in the merit of the strict adherence to all the precepts of this holy מצוה, we will be זוכה to strengthen the קדושה of כלל ישראל, and thereby be blessed with the ברכה mentioned by חז''ל for מזכי הרבנים ומצדיקיהם.