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The Pupil Premium is additional funding paid to schools in respect of their disadvantaged pupils. This refers to pupils who have been registered for free schools meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years or are looked after continuously by the local authority for more than six months.

Schools receive this funding to support their eligible pupils and narrow the attainment gap between these pupils and their peers.

​School Priorities/Aims

Through wise use of the Pupil Premium, Beis Yaakov High School Academy aims for the following:

·         To ensure all Pupil Premium pupils leave school on or exceeding their target grades.

·         That learners achieve at least 5 higher grade GCSEs including English and Maths.

·         To have high expectations of all including meeting at least target grades in all subject areas.

·         To improve attendance/punctuality of those eligible for pupil premium.

·         To Increase enjoyment/engagement of the school curriculum

·         To increase participation in a range of extracurricular activities, clubs, trips etc.

·         To encourage parent participation in supporting achievement and attainment.

·         Raise aspirations both during school and beyond

 Pupil premium Allocation

·         Financial Year 2017-18 -  £18,700

·         Financial Year 2018-19 - £16,560

How do we decide where the money is spent?

Beis Yaakov High School Academy is committed to spending the Pupil Premium Funding in a way that will have the greatest impact on attainment and achievement.

Funding has been allocated based on enhanced tracking of pupils and on research and evidence from other schools and organisations.

Targeted interventions and support are based on a needs analysis which has helped identify priority classes, groups or individuals.

Teachers are also able to apply for funds to help students both in and outside of lessons and this year some funds have been used for Alternative Provision as well as extra curricular activities.

To ensure efficient use of Pupil Premium funding, activities and interventions are evaluated regularly including the impact on progress of pupils at the end of each academic year.

 Planned 2018-19 Allocation of Funding

·         Literacy co-ordinator in post to identify any gaps in learning of all learners, with specific focus on those eligible for pupil premium, plan appropriate intervention and oversee and measure their progress throughout the year.

·         Numeracy co-ordinator appointed to create cross curricular numeracy resources with a particular focus on including those eligible for Pupil Premium.

·         New software package (IDL Numeracy) to be introduced aimed at diminishing the difference in Maths.

·         Additional  remedial groups in English and Maths with lower pupil/teacher ratio and support assistants in class

·         Additional funding available for the pastoral needs of individuals, small groups and classes at the request of pastoral care teams and support staff.  Referral to school counsellor or psychologist if felt necessary.

·         Continuation of extra services such as behaviour groups and careers advice to learners in KS4.

·         Extra curricular lessons in Music provided to learners eligible for Pupil Premium.

·         Elocution lessons provided for those learners to build confidence and nurture their self esteem in a relaxed, informal environment.  

·         Continued targeted academic intervention for relevant pupils.  Intervention takes place either on a 1-1, small group or in-class targeted support.

·         Attendance officer together the school’s education and welfare officer providing close monitoring of learners with poor attendance, specifically those learners eligible for pupil premium and early intervention for those identified. 

Educational Impact 2017-2018

·         100% of Y11 learners achieved or exceeded their target grades in a combined 82% of subjects.

·         66% of learners in year 11 achieved or exceeded their predicted grades in English and Maths

·         38% of learners in Years 7-10 achieved or exceeded their predicted grades in all subjects. 

  Projected ways to measure impact

·         Regular liaison with Heads of Faculties, Literacy and Numeracy co-ordinators, teachers, TAs and SEND department to ensure that relevant pupils are receiving appropriate intervention and progress is being made.

·         Academic progress measured alongside baseline data to ensure progress is being made.

·         Discussions with pastoral team at regular intervals to ensure that pupils’ social and emotional needs are being met.

·         Discussions with Behaviour Management lead.

·         Regular contact with Attendance Officer and EWO to ensure that persistent absences are being dealt ensuring appropriate procedures are in place.

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